Request for Proposal (RFP)
Posted February 18, 2003

Requests Closed 4/21/03 at 4:00 PM (EST)

IPRF Project 01-G-002-02-3

Practices for Accelerated Airfield Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation
and Reconstruction (Planning, Design, Execution)

Requests Closed


High traffic volumes, a limited number of runways, and a forecast of an expanding air transportation industry offer decreasing opportunity for the rehabilitation or reconstruction of airfield portland cement concrete pavements. The airport owner and the user demand a "get-in, get-out and stay-out" philosophy for pavement projects. Successful and marginal projects have been accomplished at many airports but the planning, the cost, and the impact on the airport remain undocumented. The efforts of airport staff, engineers, and contractors that accomplished projects must be documented: the success and failure lessons must be captured and be employed as a benefit to the airport industry.


The research will result in the documentation of the planning, cost implications, engineering considerations, and other than ordinary construction techniques used at airports that have accomplished pavement projects using "fast-track" or "accelerated" construction techniques. The documentation is to be prepared for the use of airport owners, operators, planners, designers and constructors. The intent is to maximize the possibility for the success of projects at airports with restraints similar to those airports that have executed projects. Doing this should help others avoid pitfalls by refining the planning process and the execution of pavement projects.


The final product will be an industry reference for the use of portland cement concrete pavement for the airside environment in a "fast-track" or "accelerated construction" scenario. "Fast-track" or "accelerated construction' includes any project that, as a result of planning or innovation, resulted in the completion of the project under a compressed time schedule. "Fast-track" is not limited to projects that incorporate rapid strength gain concretes.

The investigator will provide two originals, in a camera ready format, of the final report including artwork, graphics or photos. The publication will also be submitted in an electronic format compatible with off-the-shelf desktop computer publication software. The investigator will not be responsible for the reproduction of the final document. The investigator may be asked to assist with editing generated by the printing process.

The investigator will be responsible for developing a series of sub-tasks that when completed will result in completion of this study within the time and budget available. It is not necessary that the proposal reflect the exact budget or the performance period. However, any deviation from the available resources must be justified and clearly explained in the proposal.

The following are considered as the minimum tasks that are necessary to do the work to complete this study. The proposal may include an increase in the number of tasks but the number of on-board reviews will be retained.

Task 1 - Airport Project Review. Identify airports where projects that are considered "fast-track" or "accelerated construction" have been accomplished. The list will not be limited to only those projects that the investigator considers should be included in the study. The resources available should not limit the list of projects. The list is a documentation of all projects that the investigator can document.

Task 2 - Project Identification. Develop a list of projects from the Task 1 list that can be studied, and the results reported, within the resources available. The list must include project scope, cost, and the names of owner representatives, planners, designers, and constructors. The airports on the study list must include the size of airport classified using the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) definitions by category of commercial airports. The list must include a recommendation of the investigator as why the airport is a candidate for inclusion in the study. The list should be made up of a balance of projects based upon airport size. The list should include not only high-profile projects at primary airports that have received recognition but also projects at small and non-hub airports. The list will be submitted for IPRF review and concurrence. The IPRF may elect to add or subtract study projects based upon the Task 1 list.

Task 3 - Document a Research Plan. Develop a plan for gathering data from the study list. Determine what information is to be gathered and from whom. IMPORTANT: The investigator will not accomplish the data acquisition by mailing a printed survey. A survey is defined as a written document sent to all those considered as a prospective interview. The use of such surveys must receive approval through the IPRF from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). That process requires a minimum of 90 days from the date of application for the survey approval. The 90 day approval period is not included in the time designated as the performance period. The survey should be accomplished by direct contact (telephone, personal interview, or e-mail) with the persons on the Task 2 list.

A 20% on-board review will be accomplished at the conclusion of Tasks 1, 2 and 3. The investigator will not proceed to Task 4 without approval of the IPRF. The on-board review must be scheduled at least thirty-days prior to the actual meeting date. The location of the meeting will be coordinated through the IPRF. The investigator will provide a recording secretary at the on-board review. The comments of IPRF technical panel members and the disposition of each comment will be recorded.

Task 4 - Project Interviews and DRAFT Report. Conduct project interviews and consolidate data. Develop a draft report that includes a summary of the projects and the lessons learned.

A 60% on-board review will be accomplished at the conclusion of Task 4. Comments of the IPRF technical panel will be discussed at the on-board review. The draft report will be provided to the technical panel at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The investigator is expected to present to the technical panel discussion items that will result in policy decisions for critical elements of the final report. Additional research may be needed to respond to questions that are developed as a result of the on-board review. The location of the meeting will be coordinated through the IPRF. The investigator will provide a recording secretary at the on-board review. The comments of IPRF technical panel members and the disposition of each comment will be recorded.

Task 5 - Advanced Final Report. Make corrections using the 60% review. Include in the 90% report all artwork, graphical presentations, format, etc. The 90% document shall be in a form that, for all intent and purpose, is complete with the exception of final comments made by the technical panel.

A 90% on-board review will be accomplished. The review will be a meeting between the investigator and the IPRF Technical Panel. The draft report will be provided to the technical panel at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The location of the meeting will be coordinated through the IPRF. The investigator will provide a recording secretary at the on-board review. The comments of IPRF technical panel members and the disposition of each comment will be recorded.

Task 6 - Final Report. Submit the final report to the IPRF and assist with editing that is related to the publication process.

Products Summary:

1. A final report complete with all artwork, graphics, tables, pictures, documentation, etc. ready for reproduction. The report will be submitted in two original documents and one on electronic media.

2. A list of candidate projects and a proposed research plan. Submit 8 copies. This is defined as the 20% level of completion. The project list and the proposed methods on obtaining information will be reviewed at an on-board meeting at a location to be determined. The investigator will host the meeting.

3. The 60% on-board review will be accomplished approximately 30-days after submittal of a draft report. The draft report (8 copies) will include a summary of data collected and recommended discussion items. The investigator will host the meeting. Location will be determined in coordination with the IPRF.

4. Advanced final report (8 copies) and 90% on-board review. The investigator will host the meeting.

5. Final report (8 copies) for review and comment by the IPRF technical panel.

Other Considerations and requirements:

1. The investigator is responsible for the preparation of quarterly reports that describe the progress of the research effort. Quarterly reports are due in the offices of the IPRF on the last day of the fiscal year quarter. The reports will be limited to two pages. The first page will be a word document describing the progress of the work. The second page will provide a summary of the estimated costs versus the costs incurred through the end of the quarter.

2. Because of the limited resources, it is not possible to have an exhaustive list of projects to include in this study. Therefore, in proposing candidate projects, the investigator should consider thermal regimes (sub-tropical, central, and northern tier), pavement features (taxiways, intersections, runways, aprons), and projects that involve rehabilitation and reconstruction. It is expected that the projects that were recently completed at Atlanta Hartsfield, Memphis International, and Phoenix IAP will be included.

3. Elements that will be included in the documentation should be based upon materials selection, safety considerations and quality of work. The elements that may also be included are:

  • Planning
  • Phasing
  • Design
  • Innovation in Materials
  • Techniques
  • Safety
  • Cost
  • Time
  • Quality
  • Performance
  • Procurement of Contractor
  • Change Orders
  • Testing for Acceptance
  • Schedule
  • Incentives (Penalty or Bonus)
  • Risk Assumptions

4. Contact with those airports that are selected for study and documentation will be initiated through the IPRF. The investigator will provide a draft letter and the IPRF will edit and send a letter of introduction to the airports selected for inclusion in the study. The IPRF may opt to include an endorsement of the introduction to the airport by the FAA. This is intended to encourage participation by the airports and their sponsors.

5. The projects included in the candidate list for study (Task 1) will not include projects that are considered as design-build. Exception to this would be when there is a specific advantage to the use of the design-build concept.


The IPRF technical panel will evaluate each proposal and each of the proposals will be rank ordered. The organization, group, or individual that is ranked as the first and second choice for the recommendation to award may be asked to make a presentation to the project technical panel. The Principal Investigator, and one other person, representing the investigator may be asked to participate in an interview. The IPRF will reimburse the expenses (up to 2 people) to make this presentation at a location yet to be determined. The interview will occur within a 45-day window subsequent to the proposal submittal deadline.


IPRF procedural guidance documents are available on the web at in the section titled "Airfields Research." Persons preparing proposals are urged to review the following documents to be sure that there is a full understanding of IPRF procedures and requirements. Proposals must be prepared in the format specified in the instruction documents. The proposal will be submitted as one (1) original and in eight (8) copies.

The documents that are necessary to reference and prepare the proposal include:

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FUNDS AVAILABLE: Not to Exceed $200,000

CONTRACT TIME: Not to exceed 11 Months

PROJECT DIRECTOR: James L. Lafrenz, P.E., (202) 842-1131,


PROPOSAL DUE DATE: April 21, 2003 not later than 4:00 P.M. (Eastern Time)


Proposals will be delivered to:
Innovative Pavement Research Foundation
Cooperative Programs Office
1010 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 200
Washington DC 20001
(202) 842-1131
FAX: (202) 842-2022
Attention: Research Proposal Log

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