Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular(s) (AC) 150 5320-6, Airfield Pavement Design, 5370-10, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, and 5300-13, Airport Design Standards, each include reference to state highway materials for certain airfield pavements depending on using traffic. FAA AC 150/5100-13, Development of State Standards for Nonprimary Airports, provides guidance on the development of Standards. There is confusion in the design and construction professions with respect to materials use and Standards Criteria.
There are State Department of Transportation (DoT) and /or Highway agency standards for materials used in highway construction that meet or exceed FAA criteria. However, means and methods of incorporating highway materials may not meet FAA standards. Documentation of materials used for subbase and concrete that cross reference the FAA criteria and DoT materials do not exist.
Substantial cost savings in the construction of airfield pavements could be realized if better guidance is available to Engineers and Contractors familiar with local designation of materials. A comprehensive data source that provides guidance to designers and constructors on the use of “highway materials” would clarify airfield standards and compliment efforts to reduce costs.
1. Review all State Highway Department or State Department of Transportation Standards and Special Provisions for the 48 states. Do not include Alaska, Hawaii or US Territories.
- As a minimum, compare materials identified in FAA AC 5370-10, Items P-154, 208, 209, 304, 306, 403, and 501 with those identified in State Standards. Do not include means and methods, basis of payment or acceptance criteria.
- Exclude from the exercise admixtures, steel, supplementary cementitious, references to Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) and D-cracking properties of aggregates.
- Evaluate the extent to which ASTM C-33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates, can be, or are, included in the screening of State Highway materials with respect to FAA P-501, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. The use of Tables 1, 2 and 4 of ASTM C-33 should be discussed with respect to State Standards and weathering zones.
2. Place candidate State Highway Materials into one of four groups.
- The material meets or exceeds the requirements of the respective FAA standard and differs only by the common designation.
- The material does not meet FAA standard but can be used on airfields supporting aircraft less than 60,000 pounds maximum take off weight.
- The material does not meet FAA standard but might be used subject to the following considerations.
- The material does not meet FAA standards. These materials are included in the data base but uniquely identified as not acceptable for use on projects supported using FAA funding.
3. Create examples of using State Highway materials under scenarios that illustrate current FAA guidance.
There will be two final products. The first is an Innovative Pavement Research Foundation (IPRF) report that provides a summary of the results of the investigation, statements as to what constitutes “meeting the standard” and implementation examples. The second product will be a State by State presentation in a format as a source document. At the conclusion of the research there should be document that the engineer, airport owner or constructor can read, gain an understanding of the problem and implement solutions.
An electronic database of the field measurements shall be provided as a deliverable product separate from the written report. The database shall be in a format approved by the IPRF that can be utilized through the use of conventional database software packages.
The final report will be provided to the IPRF in the form of two originals, in a camera-ready format, including any artwork, graphics or photos. An electronic version of the final report in a format compatible with off-the-shelf desktop computer publication software will also be provided. The investigator will not be responsible for the reproduction and printing of the final document(s), but will assist with minor editing requirements generated by the printing and reproduction process.
The investigator is expected to develop sub-tasks, that when completed, will result in completion of the project within the time and budget available. It is not necessary that the proposal reflect the exact budget or the planned time provided in the advertisement. However, any deviation from the designated resources must be justified and clearly explained as a part of the proposal. The following are the minimum tasks that are considered necessary to complete the project.
Task 1 – Literature Review and Information Gathering. Develop a list of specifications (and special provisions) from each State Highway office. Screen the specifications for salient characteristics of materials that might be eligible as a possible database item. Compare the lists of State Highway materials with a baseline list of materials from FAA standards.
Task 2 –Discuss the Concept for the Research. At an on-board meeting with the Technical Panel discuss the initial findings and recommended format for the report and database. Identify candidate materials that represent the findings from Task 1.
An on-board review will be accomplished. The investigator will not proceed to Task 3 without the written approval of the IPRF. An on-board review must be scheduled at least 30 days prior to the actual meeting. The PI will submit the products produced from Task 1 for technical panel review 30 days prior to the meeting. The location of the meeting will be coordinated with the IPRF. The PI is responsible for documenting the comments of IPRF Technical Panel members and the disposition of their comments.
Task 3 –Complete the Review of State Highway Materials. Complete the Task 1 and define the categories of materials. Develop the final format of the products. Submit the list of materials and respective categories.
The Principal Investigator (PI) will submit the results of Task 3 to the IPRF as a report as to the initial findings. The report will include the summary of observations of the study and the lessons learned. The report should include the recommendations for the correction of the research plan, and/or modifications as deemed appropriate. The work on Task 4 will not begin without approval from the IPRF.
An on-board review will be accomplished. The review will be a meeting between the PI and the IPRF Technical Panel. The initial findings report will be provided to the technical panel at least 30 days prior to the meeting. The investigator is expected to present to the technical panel discussion items that will result in policy decisions for critical elements that impact the future of the research. Additional research may be needed to respond to questions that are developed as a result of the on-board review. The Technical Panel will determine, based upon the results presented if the primary research will go forward. The location of the meeting will be coordinated with the IPRF. The PI is responsible for documenting the comments of IPRF technical panel members and the disposition of each comment.
Task 4 – Prepare Draft Final Report. Include in the report the results of Tasks 1 through 3, all artwork, graphical presentations, format, etc. The document shall be in a form that for all intent is complete with the exception of final comments made by the Technical Panel.
The draft final report will be submitted to the IPRF Technical Panel for review. The Technical Panel will have 30-days to perform a desk top review and comment on the report. The principal investigator is responsible for documenting the comments of the IPRF Technical Panel and the disposition of comments.
Task 5 – Final Report. Make corrections to the document and submit the documents to the IPRF. Assist the IPRF with publication related editing.
- A summary of the initial review of State Highway materials and initial format for the database. A second review will be accomplished when the review of State Highway materials is complete. Submit 6 copies for each review.
- An On-board review will be accomplished approximately 30-days after submittal of reports. Each report will include the previous submittal. The interim report(s) (6 copies of each) will include a summary of all research completed to date.
- Draft final report (6 copies) for review.
- A final report (an IPRF Report) that includes the source documentation and database with all artwork, graphics, tables, pictures, documentation, etc. ready for reproduction and distribution. The report will be submitted as two original documents and one on electronic media. An electronic database that includes the results of field testing will be submitted as a separate deliverable.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) will have a working knowledge of airfield concrete pavement design and construction. The PI should be a registered Professional Engineer. The PI should demonstrate a national experience with respect to geotechnical materials and weathering zones within the US.
- The PI will demonstrate, as a part of the written proposal, their understanding of the current FAA written policy statements related to the use of highway materials and differences between those policy statements. There must also be a written statement that demonstrates the PI understanding of the differences between FAA guidance on State Standards and highway materials.
- The PI will be responsible for the preparation of quarterly reports that describe the progress of the research effort. Reports are due in the offices of the IPRF on the last day of the fiscal year quarter. The reports will be limited to two pages in a format specified by the IPRF. The first page will be a MS WORD document describing the progress of the work. The second page will provide a summary of the estimated costs versus the costs incurred to the report date.
After the Technical Panel completes the evaluation of proposals, each of the proposals will be rank ordered. The organization, group, or individual that is ranked as the first and second choice for the recommendation to award may be asked to participate in a telephone interview. The Principal Investigator, and one other person, representing the entity ranked first and second choice may be asked to participate in the interview to discuss the project details, goals, and objectives. The interview, if required, will occur within a 45-day window subsequent to the proposal submittal deadline.
Persons preparing proposals are urged to review the following documents to be sure that there is a full understanding of IPRF procedures and requirements. Proposals must be prepared in the format specified in the instruction documents. The proposal will be submitted as one (1) original and 6 copies.
The documents required as an aide to the preparation of the proposal include:

AVAILABLE: Not to exceed $220,000
TIME: Not to exceed 13 Months
DIRECTOR: Mr. Jim Lafrenz, (785) 742-6900,
DUE DATE: January 16, 2009 not later than 4:00 P.M. (Central Time)
Proposals will be delivered to:
Innovative Pavement Research Foundation
Cooperative Programs Office, Attn: Jim Lafrenz
201 Shawnee Street
Hiawatha, KS 66434
Fax: (785) 742-6908