IPRF Technical Program
Project 03-8

Field Trial and Evaluation of Innovative Concrete Pavement Technologies or Practices for Airport Pavements



In the course of performing research there will be opportunity to apply the findings of the efforts by encouraging the use of new information or technology. Encouragement may take the form of offsetting the cost of doing a non-standard practice at a higher cost for the purpose of determining if there are savings and increased assurance of product performance realized if the new technology were incorporated into an actual project. Funds are required to encourage sponsors, owners, or users to use the new technology, as well as to assemble performance data and analyze and report those data.


The Program Coordination Group may identify a field demonstration project that will incorporate new technology or different construction practices. This project is a non-specific effort to sponsor the incorporation of new technology, change specifications, alter a construction procedure, or change the design of an airport project. Examples of potential projects include:

  • Additional, unique data collection on a test section while other research is ongoing. (Piggyback on other research projects)
  • Offset expenses for a project designer to document construction and performance of an unusual airfield pavement technique (e.g. post-tensioned or pre-stressed PCC pavement).
  • Data collection on a new or upcoming pavement problem, such as pavement ride quality and impacts to airframes.

The nature of this project demands a flexible approach to the research because specific projects or topics are not selected until the opportunity is presented. In addition, the project solicitation and reporting requirements should be simplified to encourage participation because the project leader may not be a traditional researcher.

Each effort supported by this project will follow these general steps.

1. Identify need to implement new technology or practice.
2. Identify a project compatible with the implementation.
3. Solicit a short proposal and cost estimate from the designer, constructor, owner, or researcher.
4. Approve implementation and funding.
5. Implement technology and practice.
6. Write a DRAFT report documenting the implementation.
7. Review of the DRAFT by a technical committee (ad hoc).
8. Write a FINAL report and publish as appropriate.
9. Monitor the pavement performance and report (as needed).


The final product for each selected subproject will be a report that documents the performance of the new concrete pavement technology or practice. It is anticipated that reports will be unbound documents, 10 to 15 pages long. In some cases, the Program Coordination Group may ask the project leader to make a presentation of the results at a conference in addition to or in lieu of a formal paper.

Have Questions?
Contact Jim Lafrenz, Cooperative Agreement Programs Manager Phone: 202-842-1010

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